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This resource has four sections, each covering different aspects of the Music Assignment from National 5 to Advanced Higher. You can work through all sections or go straight to the section that is of most interest to you. The National 5 to Advanced Higher sections contain candidate evidence and commentaries that have been discussed at Understanding Standards events and/or have been published before on SQA’s secure website.

National 5 to Advanced Higher assignment requirements, catalogue, advice and approaches

This section contains three separate presentations giving general advice that is relevant to the Music Assignment at all levels, National 5 to Advanced Higher.

You can download the PowerPoint presentations using the links below:

National 5 

This section contains evidence for five National 5 candidates with commentaries and audio presentations that discuss the evidence. You can work through all the candidates or go straight to the candidate whose evidence is of most interest to you.

The presentations for candidates 1, 3, 4 and 5 focus on the composition. The presentation for candidate 2 focuses on the composition and two composing reviews.

When reviewing the evidence, we advise that you do this in the same way that SQA markers review evidence:

  • Look at the score or performance plan and listen to the composition.
  • Read the composing review.
  • Look at the score or performance plan and listen to the composition again.

Once you have reviewed the evidence, you should listen to the presentation. The published commentary summarises some of the information in the presentation.


Candidate 1: Waltz – melody line, piano

Candidate 2: Sad Song melodic guitar, chordal guitar

Candidate 3: Volvo – violin, piano, double bass

Candidate 4: Without A Second Glance – voice, piano

Candidate 5: Riffs, Chords and Loops GarageBand drum loop, lead guitar, bass guitar, rhythm guitar


This section contains evidence for six Higher candidates with commentaries and audio presentations that discuss the evidence. You can work through all the candidates or go straight to the candidate whose evidence is of most interest to you.

Evidence for the first five candidates focuses on the composition while the evidence for candidate six focuses on the review.

When reviewing the evidence, we advise that you do this in the same way that SQA markers review evidence:

  • Look at the score or performance plan and listen to the composition.
  • Read the composing review.
  • Look at the score or performance plan and listen to the composition again.

Once you have reviewed the evidence, you should listen to the presentation. The published commentary summarises some of the information in the presentation.


Candidate 1: Piece for piano and cello

Candidate 2: Syncopated Song – keyboard

Candidate 3: Piece for flute, guitar and piano

Candidate 4: Cast Adrift – voice, piano, double bass

Candidate 5: Standby – drum loop, MIDI keyboard, strings, rhythm guitar, melodic guitar, lead guitar and bass guitar

Candidate 6: Siciliana – flute and harp (focus on composing review)

Advanced Higher

This section contains evidence for nine Advanced Higher candidates with commentaries and audio presentations that discuss the evidence. You can work through all the candidates or go straight to the candidate whose composition, arrangement, review or analysis is of most interest to you.

The evidence focuses on:

  • Composition – candidates one to three
  • Review of the creative process – candidate four
  • Arrangement – candidates five and six
  • Analysis – candidates seven to nine

When reviewing the evidence for candidates one to six, we advise that you do this in the same way that SQA markers review evidence:

  • Look at the score or performance plan and listen to the composition.
  • Read the composing review.
  • Look at the score or performance plan and listen to the composition again.

Once you have reviewed the evidence, you should listen to the presentation. The published commentary summarises some of the information in the presentation.



Candidate 1: Lied – voice and piano

Candidate 2: Twilight Terror 1 – xylophone, vibraphone and piano

Candidate 3: Twilight Terror 2 –xylophone, vibraphone and piano


Focus on the review of the creative process

Candidate 4: EDM – Music software



Candidate 5: Puff, The Magic Dragon – flute, clarinet and piano

Candidate 6: Spanish Eyes– clarinet, trumpet, xylophone and piano



Candidate 7: Pleyel - Violin Duo No. 6, Allegro

Candidate 8: Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, 1st movement

Candidate 9: Shaiman: I Know Where I’ve Been (Hairspray)