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Advanced Higher History - question paper

Question paper 2023  (All links open as PDF files)

Please note: These commentaries were used as part of the advanced higher History question paper webinar in session 2021. A recording of this webinar is available in the advanced higher question paper 2021 section of the Webinars page.

Question paper 2021  (All links open as PDF files)


Question paper 2016  (All links open as PDF files)

Please note: Following revision to the question paper for session 2019-20, the marks in these examples are no longer in line with the revised requirements. However, the examples remain useful as a guide to the nature of the questions and range of answers. They should be viewed in conjunction with the revised Advanced Higher History Course Specification.

SECTION 2 - Scotland: Independence and Kingship, 1249-1334

SECTION 3 - Italy: the Renaissance in the 15th and Early 16th Centuries

SECTION 4 - Scotland: from the Treaty of Union to the Enlightenment, 1707-1815

SECTION 5 - USA: ‘A House Divided’, 1850–1865

SECTION 6  - Japan: the Modernisation of a Nation, 1840–1920

SECTION 7 - Germany: from Democracy to Dictatorship, 1918–1939

SECTION 8 - South Africa: Race and Power, 1902–1984

SECTION 9 - Russia: from Tsarism to Stalinism, 1914–1945

SECTION 10 - Spain: the Civil War - Causes, Conflict and Consequences, 1923–1945

SECTION 11 - Britain: At War and Peace, 1938-51