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Candidate evidence

Centres must record and retain evidence of each candidate’s assessment for units at level 1 and 2 and the UASPs provide forms and checklists for this purpose. It is also good practice to keep records of the type and amount of support given to each candidate during their assessment. While it is not mandatory that centres detail the support given to candidates within their evidence, we would strongly recommend that they do so.

Keeping records of the support given to candidates will provide several benefits to centres, including:

There are a few different ways centres can keep records of candidate support. They can simply write a short statement on the Candidate Achievement Record or Observation Checklist, or they can use a separate form to record the support given in each unit.

Some centres may prefer to keep an on-going candidate record in one document to record the support given in each unit. The document could then be updated after each new unit has been delivered.