Advanced Higher English - portfolio-writing
Portfolio-writing 2021 (All links open as PDF files)
Reflective writing - A reflection of my 12-year-old feminist self
Reflective writing - The Ruby Jubilee
Reflective writing - Old Saint Paul’s
Portfolio-writing 2019 (All links open as PDF files)
Creative writing - prose fiction | группа крови(Blood Type)
Discursive writing - informative | Chasing that golden note
Portfolio-writing 2016 (All links open as PDF files)
Candidate 1 (Discursive - persuasive | Alan Kurdi: A Political Chaos)
Candidate 2 (Creative - poetry | Celestial)
Candidate 3 (Creative - poetry | The Boy Soldier)
Candidate 4 (Creative - reflective | These Old Yellow Bricks)
Candidate 5 (Creative - drama | Corruption)
Candidate 6 (Creative - prose fiction | Inner Demons)
Candidate 7 (Creative - prose fiction | Get to Heaven Fables)
Candidate 8 (Discursive - persuasive | Politics: Public Profile over Policy?)
Candidate 9 (Creative - prose fiction | Split Infinities)
Candidate 10 (Creative - prose fiction | White Rose)
Candidate 11 (Creative - poetry | Sonderkommando Man)
Candidate 12 (Creative - reflective | Fifteen, five, twenty, and ten ... Can I return?)