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Candidate 1

Brief 1: Produce a background report on an individual who will be using care services for the first time

Question 1(a) Action Plan

The candidate was awarded 5 marks because they provided a comprehensive answer, good description of client’s background and detailed list of why this client was suitable .

Question 1(b)

The candidate was awarded 2 marks because the timescale was completed with tasks identified. No details of changes or reflection. However, full marks were still awarded.

Question 1(c)

The candidate was awarded 3 marks because three types of sources were identified ie books, care workers and websites. However, there were no examples given. A description was given regarding their usefulness.

Question 2(a) Responding to the brief

The candidate was awarded 12 marks because they clearly identified four needs ie social, physical, emotional and cognitive. Examples were given, which were correctly linked to the client and details were given as to why these needs must be addressed. Three marks were awarded for each need identified, each need explained and reasons given why the need must be addressed.

Question 2(b)

The candidate was awarded 10 marks because two psychological theories were identified. A description of psychodynamic was given which was limited, but well- linked to the client’s development. Maslow’s theory was identified, description given which was limited but well-linked to client's development. Full marks were not awarded due to a brief description of the theory.

Question 2(c)

The candidate was awarded 3 marks because there was no description of sociological concepts, 1 mark is given for application of each social influence, which is limited.

Question 2(d)


The candidate was awarded 11 marks because three care services were identified and described ie domiciliary, day care and residential care. Domiciliary could have been expanded . Full marks were awarded for other care environments .

Question 2(e)

The candidate was awarded 4 marks because questions were very briefly answered. There was a limited description of Bandura, only one feature, not applied appropriately (2 marks) Limited description of Berne (only one feature), poorly applied (2 marks)

Question 2(f)

The candidate was awarded 6 marks because three types of sources were identified with examples given.

Question 2(g)


The candidate was awarded 4 marks because all sections were completed. Headings were used to clarify questions and were well laid out. Mind map is helpful, log book was completed.

Question 3(a) Evaluation

The candidate was awarded 4 marks because there was lack of detail in this answer. A plan was referred to once, there was little reflection and only one positive and one negative aspect was identified (one mark for each aspect).

Question 3(b)

The candidate was awarded 2 marks because there was no great detail in this answer. There was only a brief reference to a plan, and a log was not mentioned.

Question 3(c)

The candidate was awarded 2 marks because they gave a limited answer, did they discuss the care of a child for example?