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National 2: Function and position of the main parts of the human body

Our learning conversation. Teacher Voice. We learned about the important organs in our bodies and what they do (their function). We practised labelling the different organs with their name and function. We also used the body vest to show where the organs are in our body. Pupil Voice. We were learning about the inside of the human body. We looked at all the different parts and what they did. We would die without our heat and brain but we can live with one kidney.I made a mini George. It showed the organs inside my body. I used a key to tell people what the organs are. We made skeletons. Skeletons are made up of different bones. We need a skeleton to move and would be like jelly fish if we didn’t have a skeleton. The skull protects your brain. The ribs protect your lungs. Outcome 2.1: I can identify the function and position of the main parts of the human body.

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