The materials on this page were produced to provide additional support during sessions 2020-21 and 2021-22. They are currently being reviewed and will be moved gradually to a new location if they remain relevant. When anything is moved, we will up-date this page to let you know and include a link to the new location.
The candidate evidence and commentaries have been moved to the 2021 section of the National 5 Critical Reading page.
The candidate evidence and commentary has been moved to the 2021 section of the National 5 Reading for understanding, analysis and evaluation page.
Carried forward National 5 Overview of US materials for RUAE critical reading and portfolio (pdf)
The candidate evidence and commentaries have been moved to the 2021 section of the Higher Critical Reading page.
The candidate evidence and commentaries have been moved to the 2021 section of the Higher Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation and Critical Reading page.
Carried forward We have created pre-recorded webinars for Higher English question paper 1 reading for understanding, analysis and evaluation and question paper 2 critical reading (Scottish text). These pre-recorded webinars provide guidance on marking and how to apply marking principles. These pre-recorded webinars and accompanying presentations can be found on SQA’s secure website. You can access them through your SQA co-ordinator.
Carried forward Overview of US materials for RUAE critical reading and portfolio (pdf)
The candidate evidence and commentaries have been moved to the 2021 section of the Advanced Higher Textual Anlalysis page.
The candidate evidence and commentaries have been moved to the question paper 1, 2021 section of the Advanced Higher Literary Study page.
The additional guidance document has been revised and moved to the Advanced Higher Literary Study page.
Carried forward Advanced Higher overview of US materials for dissertation (pdf)
New - new materials for session 2022 -23
Updated - amended for 2022/23
Carried forward - carried forward to 2022/23