Advanced Higher Spanish - portfolio
Portfolio 2019 (All links open as PDF files)
How significant is symbolism in the play ‘Bodas de Sangre’ by Federico García Lorca’ and in the film ‘La novia’?
Analyse the ways in which Manuel Rivas conveys the three different types of love (friendship, adolescent and lust) in the three short stories from ¿Qué me quieres amor? (La lengua de las Mariposas, Un Saxo en la Niebla, and Carmiña) and in the film adaptation directed by José Luis Cuerda ‘La Lengua de las Mariposas’
Volver: a film centred round resilient women
To what extent does Laura Esquivel use the symbolism of food to enhance emotions in ‘Como Agua para Chocolate’?
Analyse the different forms Lorca uses to convey the theme of repression in La Casa de Bernarda Alba and how effective they are.
To what extent does the theme of honour in ‘Crónica de una Muerte Anunciada’ by Gabriel García Márquez contrast with today’s perception of honour?
Portfolio 2018 (All links open as PDF files)
Candidate 1 - Compare and analyse how "loss of innocence" is portrayed in La Lengua de las Mariposas and El laberinto del fauno.
Candidate 2 - To what extent have historical contexts and Gabriel García Márquez's own life experiences influenced events, characters and themes in the novel El coronel no tiene quien le escriba?
Portfolio 2016 (All links open to PDF files)