Advanced Higher RMPS - project-dissertation
Project-dissertation 2023 (All links open as PDF files)
To what extent does Aquina's proof from motion prove the existence of God of Classical Theism?
To what extent is the Teleological Argument Convincing?
To what extent does the Kalam Cosmological argument convince us of the existence of God?
Project-dissertation 2022 (All links open as PDF files)
Euthanasia morally acceptable How far do you agree?
Who holds moral responsibility over capital punishment?
To what extent is God responsible for evil and suffering?
Project-dissertation 2021 (All links open as PDF files)
To what extent can it be argued that religious experience is the best evidence for the existence of God?
Project-dissertation 2019 (All links open as PDF files)
How convincing is the Teleological Argument as proof for the existence of God?
To what extent does the Teleological Argument establish the existence of God?
Is Aquinas’ Cosmological argument strong enough to prove that God exists?
To what extent is the concept of God incoherent?
Is a termination during pregnancy ever morally acceptable?
A critical evaluation of the moral acceptability of euthanasia.
Religious experiences are such that they are beyond academic study. To what extent is this a valid assertion?
Secular perspectives have discredited religious experience. To what extent is this accurate?