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Higher Politics - assignment

Assignment 2023  (All links to PDF files)

1. Do referendums strengthen democracy?

2. Should the UK adopt a written constitution?

3. To what extent is the UK constitution more effective than the US constitution when it comes to protecting citizens’ rights?

4. The electoral system is outdated and is in need of reform. Discuss


Assignment 2019  (All links to PDF files)

The UK should withdraw from the EU without a deal rather than Theresa May's withdrawal agreement. Discuss.

The Independent Group  -  Jeremy Corbyn  -  Social Class  -  The UK constitution


Assignment 2017  (All links open as PDF files)

1. To what extent is the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn the reason for the fall of the Labour Party.

2. To what extent would Scotland not succeed outside the United Kingdom.

3. To what extent is the current voting system used in the UK unproportional and unrepresentative compared to another system.

4. Do referendums strengthen democracy?

5. Voting behaviour.

6. The differences outweigh the similarities between liberalism and conservatism. Discuss.

7. To what extent has Barack Obama been a successful president.