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Candidate evidence

How important was Trotsky’s leadership to the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War?

Trotsky’s leadership was quite important to the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War. Trotsky turned the Red Army into a strong fighting force through discipline and through recruiting experienced commanders. Trotsky ordered officers’ families to be kept hostage to make sure they stayed loyal and did not desert. However other reasons also led to the Bolshevik victory. The Reds received resources and troops from Russia’s allies in the First World War, France and Belgium. Overall Trotsky’s leadership was the most important factor in the Bolsheviks winning the civil war. This is because he reorganised the Red Army and introduced harsh discipline.

Commentary on candidate evidence

Overall, two relevant points of knowledge were credited. 1 mark was awarded for a judgement and another mark for a supporting reason. The candidate was therefore awarded 4 marks.

The candidate made two relevant knowledge points: ‘Trotsky turned the Red Army into a strong fighting force through discipline and through recruiting experienced commanders. Trotsky ordered officers’ families to be kept hostage to make sure they stayed loyal and did not desert’. A total of 2 marks were therefore awarded for relevant, factual, key points of knowledge used to support factors.

The candidate was not given credit for their introductory sentence. For 1 mark to be awarded, an introduction has to place the question in its historical context or outline relevant factors.

The candidate was also not given credit for the answer being presented in a structured way (with knowledge being organised in support of different factors) since their point relating to the resources of the Reds is incorrect and no marks have been awarded. The sentence ‘However other reasons also led to the Bolshevik victory’ would have been enough for (weak) process if the point on the resources of the Reds had been accurate knowledge.

The candidate was also awarded 1 mark for a conclusion with a valid judgement: ‘Overall Trotsky’s leadership was the most important factor in the Bolsheviks winning the civil war’. The candidate was awarded a further 1 mark for providing a reason in support of the judgement: ‘This is because he reorganised the Red Army and introduced harsh discipline’.

[Revised January 2021]

Candidate evidence

How important was Trotsky’s leadership to the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War?

Trotsky’s leadership was quite important to the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War. Trotsky turned the Red Army into a strong fighting force through discipline and through recruiting experienced commanders. Trotsky also boosted morale by travelling to the front lines in an armoured train which encouraged the Bolsheviks to fight even harder.

However other reasons also led to the Bolshevik victory. One reason was that the Whites argued between each other leading to fighting inside their army. Commanders would disobey each other’s orders and did not help each other. The Bolsheviks also won the civil war because of the geographical distance between the Whites, the Bolsheviks were close to each other so it made transport easier whereas the Whites were spread around Russia meaning that transport was hard to get and orders were often lost.

Overall Trotsky’s leadership was the most important factor in the Bolsheviks winning the civil war however other reasons such as the Whites being divided and scattered around Russia.

Commentary on candidate evidence

Overall, four relevant points of knowledge were credited. One mark was also awarded for the answer being presented in a structured way with knowledge being organised in support of different factors. The conclusion makes a judgement, therefore 1 mark is awarded. The candidate was therefore awarded 6 marks.

The candidate made four relevant knowledge points: ‘Trotsky turned the Red Army into a strong fighting force through discipline and through recruiting experienced commanders’; Trotsky also boosted morale by travelling to the front lines in an armoured train’; ‘[White] Commanders disobeyed each other’s orders’ and ‘the geographical distance between the Whites’. A total of 4 marks were therefore awarded for relevant, factual, key points of knowledge used to support factors.

The candidate was not given credit for their introductory sentence. For 1 mark to be awarded, an introduction has to place the question in its historical context or outline relevant factors.

The candidate was awarded 1 mark for the answer being presented in a structured way (with knowledge being organised in support of different factors).

The candidate was awarded 1 mark for a conclusion with a valid judgement: ‘Overall Trotsky’s leadership was the most important factor in the Bolsheviks winning the civil war.

No further marks were awarded for structure, as the candidate did not provide a reason in support of their judgement. 

[Revised January 2021]

Candidate evidence

How important was Trotsky’s leadership to the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War?

There were many reasons for the Bolshevik victory in the Civil War. One reason was the leadership of Trotsky but the advantages held by the Reds and the weaknesses of the Whites were also important reasons.

Trotsky built up the Red Army by conscripting thousands of peasants. This was a major factor in the Bolshevik victory as the Red Army became a huge fighting force which was able to defeat the Whites. Trotsky also recruited ex - Tsarist army officers. Their experience gave the Red army the military expertise to win the Civil War. Trotsky also boosted morale by travelling to the front lines in an armoured train which encouraged the Bolsheviks to fight even harder.

However there were other reasons why the Bolsheviks won the Civil War. The strengths of the Red Army also played a part in the Bolshevik victory. The Reds controlled the central area of Russia between Petrograd and Moscow. This gave the Reds an advantage as most of the railways were in this area which meant the Bolsheviks could transport troops and supplies to the front. The central areas controlled by the Bolsheviks also contained important industries which gave the Bolsheviks access to factories which could supply them with weapons and food.

The weaknesses of the Whites also contributed to the Bolshevik victory in the Civil War. The Whites had several leaders who competed with one another. This meant it was difficult for the White armies to defeat the Reds who were united under Lenin and Trotsky.

Overall Trotsky’s leadership was the main reason for the Bolshevik victory. Trotsky made the Red Army into a huge and effective fighting force which was able to defeat the Whites. 

Commentary on candidate evidence

Overall, the candidate was awarded 9 marks because they have provided an introduction, have included at least five points of relevant recalled knowledge, have considered more than just one factor and have provided a supported conclusion.

The candidate was awarded 1 mark for providing an introduction which outlines relevant factors (‘the leadership of Trotsky …the advantages held by the Reds and the weaknesses of the Whites’).

The candidate made six relevant knowledge points: Trotsky’s use of conscription; the recruitment of ex-Tsarist army officers; travelling to the front lines in an armoured train; the Reds’ control of the central area between Petrograd and Moscow; the Bolsheviks’ access to industries and the disunity of the White leadership. The total of 5 marks was therefore awarded for relevant, factual, key points of knowledge used to support factors.

The candidate was awarded 1 mark for the answer being presented in a structured way (with knowledge being organised in support of different factors). 

The candidate was also awarded 1 mark for a conclusion with a valid judgement: ‘Overall Trotsky’s leadership was the main reason for the Bolshevik victory’. The candidate was awarded a further 1 mark for providing a reason in support of the judgement: ‘Trotsky made the Red Army into a huge and effective fighting force which was able to defeat the Whites.’

[Revised January 2021]