Higher Modern Languages: German - assignment-writing
Assignment - Writing 2024 (All links open to PDF files)
Culture : The advantages of learning a foreign language outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree?
Learning: There is more to school than passing exams. Do you agree?
Learning: Which option would you prefer when it comes to where you want to live when you go to university?
Learning: School is useful in preparing young people for the working world. Do you agree?
Learning: Which option would you prefer when it comes to where you want to live when you go to university?
Learning: When young people finish school, they should go away for university to learn to stand on their own two feet. Do you agree?
Assignment-writing 2019 (All links open as PDF files)
Mobile phones play an essential part in adolescent life. Discuss.
Everybody should live abroad for some time. Discuss
Living in a town or city is better than life in the country. Do you agree?
Good friends are more important than family. Do you agree?
There are several benefits to children and young people having access to technology – especially mobiles – in everyday life. Discuss.